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I am using VSCode mit ESlint for Typescript.
How can i disable/deactivate yellow curled error lines as shown in the example?

enter image description here

I only want to disable the yellow. Not the red curly error lines.
Thanks for help in advance.



  1. To disable wavy/squiggly underline in vscode, go to settings, type "Color Customizations" and in settings.json set underline color to fully transparent:

        "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
            "editorWarning.foreground": "#00000000",
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  2. Yellow wavy lines are warnings. You can disable warnings in the UI by editing the VSCode ESLint extension settings.

    Open the file settings.json as explained here: How can I open Visual Studio Code's 'settings.json' file?

    Add this line to the settings:

        "eslint.quiet": true,

    See also the documentation.

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