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somehow my vscode changed, when i want to resolve merge conflict,there is something like <<<<HEAD , but now it’s like a yellow square on picture, why is that? can anyone tell me why?

enter image description here



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I finally fix this by these configs

    "diffEditor.codeLens": true,
    "git.mergeEditor": false

  2. In the user settings, you can disable Git Merge Editor:

    VS Code Settings Screenshot


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  3. Go to settings -> find "Git Merge Editor" -> disable "Git: Merge Editor"

    Turn off Visual Studio Code merge editor

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  4. If you don’t want to remove this feature, there should be a checkbox to the left of each yellow box which you can use to select the conflict(s) that you would like to persist (similar to how the old merge conflict control worked)

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