When I try to test out keybindings.editor.copyCommandTitle
by assigning to it a key, it doesn’t seem to do anything. Is this because it does nothing?
Question posted in Visual Studio Code
View the official documentation.
View the official documentation.
It literally copies the command title when you’re in the keybindings editor.
I have it bound myself and it works fine for me. Maybe you’re not in the keybindings editor or you don’t have a keybinding focused.
When in the keybindings editor and a keybinding is focused, it copies the keybinding’s command’s title to the clipboard
^ copied from https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/111a6f72380eb66d91baf171692be2177df652e8/src/vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/browser/preferences.contribution.ts#L1101. Definition of
is in https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/111a6f72380eb66d91baf171692be2177df652e8/src/vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/browser/keybindingsEditor.ts#L300 and does what its name says it does.