I was searching a thing in command pallet such as CTRL+Sift+P in VSCode.
Next, I needed to write programs in editors in VSCode. While wirting codes in a editor, I found a typo.
So I wanted to delete a charactor by using Back space. But, I could not delte the charactor in only the VSCode Editers. I can remove any charactors or numbers, while using any other editors such as pycharm, and, other editors. If I hit the Back space, the cursor moves to command pallet.
I checked short cut of the preferece of VSCode. But, I could not find any short cut of the Back space.
I use Win10, and VSCode version is V1.70.
I searched google. But, I have not found any answers.
Please help
I googled in relation to VSCode of the problems.
But, I have not found any hint or any solution.
I would like to use Back space of my key board.
I didn't notice that I registered short cut key which was SQL. If I hit backspace twice, automatically the cursor moved the command pallet.
So, I registered short cut key to a completely different character. Then, I got the solution.