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So I was trying to install the pytorch module and like any sane person I did the following:

python -m venv env

source env/bin/activate

Then I installed pytorch as given in the official documentation.

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

Now If run python in the terminal and ‘import torch’ it runs perfecty, also if I run any file importing pytorch with terminal, or inside vs code terminal(Run Python File) it works fine.
But when I run using code runner(Run Code) it throughs MooduleNotFoundError.

I have selected the correct Interpretor Path(/env/bin/python).

What is the problem here??



  1. Try adding the following code to the setting.json

    "code-runner.executorMap": {
                "python": "python3 -u",

    In fact, I think it’s better to use the Run Python File option provided by the Python extension.

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  2. ModuleNotFoundError => When you try to import a module that is not installed or not found in the current Python path.

    An incorrect Python environment or missing path configuration can cause this error in VS Code.

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