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In Android 13 the OnBackPressed method has become deprecated. How can i implement this code in Xamarin.Android?

void onCreate() {
  if (BuildCompat.isAtLeastT()) {
        () -> {
          * Code here

The code above is the Java example from the official android dev website, but i can’t find the replacements for this in Xamarin.
Can someone translate this to C#?

This is what Visual studio suggests, but it doesn’t help at all.

Warning CS0672:Member 'MainActivity.OnBackPressed()' overrides obsolete member 'Activity.OnBackPressed()'. Add the Obsolete attribute to 'MainActivity.OnBackPressed()'.    



  1. You can try to use OnBackPressedDispatcher.AddCallback()


        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            if (BuildCompat.IsAtLeastT)
            OnBackPressedDispatcher.AddCallback(new CustomOnBackPressed(true));


    public class CustomOnBackPressed : OnBackPressedCallback
        public OnBack(bool enabled) : base(enabled)
        public override void HandleOnBackPressed()
            //code that handles back button pressed

    Related question

    onBackPressed() deprecated, What is the alternative?

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  2. There are a series of Xamarin.Android tutorials using the NavigationComponent at As you progress through the projects, you will see the introduction of OnBackPressedCallback which is used extensively in the later projects.

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