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I want to change the Woocommerce variable product title when someone selects the varient. I want to add the selected variant to title.
I have used this Change WooCommerce variable product title based on variation code It’s working perfectly for attributes that are added from product->attributes .But i want that to work for custom product attributes which we add when adding product.

I tried the code provided in above link for that but it’s not working for custom product attributes.It returns a null value.
colorr is the name of attribue i added using custom product attributes
Here is my code.Any help will be highly appriciated

add_filter( 'wp_footer','custom_product_title_script' );
function custom_product_title_script(){
    global $post;

    // Only single product pages
    if( ! is_product() ) return;

    // get an instance of the WC_Product Object
    $product = wc_get_product($post->ID);

    // Only for variable products
    if( ! $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) return;

    // Here set your specific product attributes in this array (coma separated):
    $attributes = array('colorr');

    // The 1st loop for variations IDs
    foreach($product->get_visible_children( ) as $variation_id ) {

        // The 2nd loop for attribute(s)/value
        foreach($product->get_available_variation( $variation_id )['attributes'] as $key => $value_id ){
            $taxonomy = str_replace( 'attribute_', '', $key ); // Get the taxonomy of the product attribute

            // Just for defined attributes
            if( in_array( $taxonomy, $attributes) ){
                // Set and structure data in an array( variation ID => product attribute => term name )
                $data[ $variation_id ][$taxonomy] = get_term_by( 'slug', $value_id, $taxonomy )->name;

        <script type="text/javascript">
                // variables initialization
                var variationsData = <?php echo json_encode($data); ?>,
                    productTitle = $('.product_title').text(),
                    color = 'colorr';

                // function that get the selected variation and change title
                function update_the_title( productTitle, variationsData, color ){
                    $.each( variationsData, function( index, value ){
                        if( index == $('input.variation_id').val() ){
                            $('.product_title').text(productTitle+' - '+value[color]);
                            console.log('TITLE UPDATED');
                            return false;
                        } else {

                // Once all loaded
                    update_the_title( productTitle, variationsData, color );
                }, 300);

                // On live event: select fields
                $('select').blur( function(){
                    update_the_title( productTitle, variationsData, color );



  1. Not sure why you used php, that’s totally front task – so should be done with front js.
    Please add this js to external javascript file (it so bad practice to inject js inline, especially jquery – it will block defer optimization)
    How it works:

    1. get default title text to var
    2. collect all variation selected and add to default title text
    3. set new text to title
    jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
        var title_text = $( '.product-type-variable .product_title' ).text(); // get default title
        function add_variation_txt_to_title() {
            var new_title_text = '';
            $( '.variations select' ).each( function() {
                new_title_text += ' ' + $( this ).find( ':selected' ).val(); // collect all variation selected <options>
            $( '.product-type-variable .product_title' ).text( title_text + new_title_text ); // set new title
        add_variation_txt_to_title(); // call on load
        $( '.variations select' ).change( function() { // call on <select >change 

    Solution tested on default twentyseventeen theme.

    Login or Signup to reply.
  2. Ivan Frolov, you have an error in the code, you did not add the letter E add_variation_txt_to_titl(); but you must add_variation_txt_to_title();

    Full code :

    jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
        var title_text = $( '.product-type-variable .product_title' ).text(); // get default title
        function add_variation_txt_to_title() {
            var new_title_text = '';
            $( '.variations select' ).each( function() {
                new_title_text += ' ' + $( this ).find( ':selected' ).val(); // collect all variation selected <options>
            $( '.product-type-variable .product_title' ).text( title_text + new_title_text ); // set new title
        add_variation_txt_to_title(); // call on load
        $( '.variations select' ).change( function() { // call on <select >change 
    Login or Signup to reply.
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