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I am implementing the custom Buy Now button in my plugin. I had placed the Buy Now button on the product page using this hook

  add_action( 'woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button', 'myCustomBuyNowButton');

So, my next step is to add the product to the cart with quantity, variation details, which I am able to achieve by writing the following function i.e

(function ($) {

$(document).on('click', '.single_add_to_cart_button', function (e) {

    var $thisbutton = $(this),
    $form = $thisbutton.closest('form.cart'),
    id = $thisbutton.val(),
    product_qty = $form.find('input[name=quantity]').val() || 1,
    product_id = $form.find('input[name=product_id]').val() || id,
    variation_id = $form.find('input[name=variation_id]').val() || 0;

    var data = {
        action: 'woocommerce_ajax_add_to_cart',
        product_id: product_id,
        product_sku: '',
        quantity: product_qty,
        variation_id: variation_id,

    $(document.body).trigger('adding_to_cart', [$thisbutton, data]);

        type: 'post',
        url: wc_add_to_cart_params.ajax_url,
        data: data,
        beforeSend: function (response) {
        complete: function (response) {
        success: function (response) {

            if (response.error && response.product_url) {
                window.location = response.product_url;
            } else {
                $(document.body).trigger('added_to_cart', [response.fragments, response.cart_hash, $thisbutton]);

    return false;

& ajax is calling the following hook

add_action('wp_ajax_woocommerce_ajax_add_to_cart', 'woocommerce_ajax_add_to_cart');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_woocommerce_ajax_add_to_cart', 'woocommerce_ajax_add_to_cart');

function woocommerce_ajax_add_to_cart() {

$product_id = apply_filters('woocommerce_add_to_cart_product_id', absint($_POST['product_id']));
$quantity = empty($_POST['quantity']) ? 1 : wc_stock_amount($_POST['quantity']);
$variation_id = absint($_POST['variation_id']);
$passed_validation = apply_filters('woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation', true, $product_id, $quantity);
$product_status = get_post_status($product_id);

if ($passed_validation && WC()->cart->add_to_cart($product_id, $quantity, $variation_id) && 'publish' === $product_status) {

    do_action('woocommerce_ajax_added_to_cart', $product_id);

    if ('yes' === get_option('woocommerce_cart_redirect_after_add')) {
        wc_add_to_cart_message(array($product_id => $quantity), true);

    WC_AJAX :: get_refreshed_fragments();
} else {

    $data = array(
        'error' => true,
        'product_url' => apply_filters('woocommerce_cart_redirect_after_error', get_permalink($product_id), $product_id));

    echo wp_send_json($data);


But I am stuck in adding the custom plugin data to the cart along with the quantity and variation details.

For ex: If the admin has installed a custom product fields plugin that helps them to add the custom fields on their product page to collect extra information. I need to add that information also to the cart.

Can anyone please help me to resolve this issue? Thanks in advance.



  1. Use these hooks

    // Add item data to the cart or define custom variable
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_cart_item_data', 'add_cart_item_datax',10, 3 );
    // Display item data to the cart or show custom variable
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_item_data', 'get_cart_item_data', 10, 2 );
    function add_cart_item_datax( $cart_item_data, $productId, $variationId ) {
        if ( empty( $cart_item_data['basicpluginstr'] ) ) {
                $cart_item_data['basicpluginstr'] = array();
        $data[] = array(
                'name'  => 'Name',
                'value' => 'valus',
                'price' => 50
        $cart_item_data['basicpluginstr'] = array_merge( $cart_item_data['basicpluginstr'], $data);
        return $cart_item_data;
    function get_cart_item_data( $data, $cartItem ) {
        if ( isset( $cartItem['basicpluginstr'] ) ) {
            foreach ( $cartItem['basicpluginstr'] as $basicpluginstr ) {
                $name = 'PPPPPPP'; //$basicpluginstr['name'];  
                $value = '12364'; //$basicpluginstr['value'];  
                $price = '150'; //$basicpluginstr['price']; 
            $data[] = array(
                'name' => $name,
                'value' => $value,
                'display' => 0
        return $data;
    //Add meta to order - WC 2.x or save the data when the order is made
    add_action( 'woocommerce_add_order_item_meta',  'add_order_item_meta' , 10, 2 );
    function add_order_item_meta( $item_id, $values ) {
          if ( ! empty( $values['basicpluginstr'] ) ) {
              foreach ( $values['basicpluginstr'] as $basicpluginstr ) {
                  $name = $basicpluginstr['name'];
                  $value = $basicpluginstr['value'];
                  woocommerce_add_order_item_meta( $item_id, $name, $value );
                  //woocommerce_add_order_item_meta( $item_id, 'basicpluginstr', 'basicpluginstr value' );
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  2. I have added a custom Field in admin and try to add itemdata in cart

        * Plugin Name: Custom Woo option
        * Author: Gaurav Dev
        * Text Domain: custom-woo-option
        * Description: This is the Custom Woo option plugin
        * Version: 1.0.0
        if ( in_array( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins' ) ) ) ) {
        define( 'basicpluginstr_VERSION', '1.0.0' );
        define( 'basicpluginstr_URI', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) );
        class basicpluginstr
            function __construct()
                // Product data tabs
                add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_data_tabs', array( $this,'basicpluginstr_product_data_tabs') );
                // Product data panels
                add_action( 'woocommerce_product_data_panels', array( $this,'basicpluginstr_product_data_panels') );
                // Add to cart
                add_filter('woocommerce_add_cart_item', array($this, 'add_cart_item'), 999999999999999999, 1); 
                // Add item data to the cart or define custom variable
                add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_cart_item_data', array($this,'add_cart_item_data'),10, 3 );
                // Display item data to the cart or show custom variable
                add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_item_data', array($this,'get_cart_item_data'), 10, 2 );
                // Load cart data per page load
                add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_cart_item_from_session', array( $this, 'get_cart_item_from_session' ), 999999999999999999, 2 );
                //Add meta to order - WC 2.x or save the data when the order is made
                add_action( 'woocommerce_add_order_item_meta',  array($this,'add_order_item_meta') , 10, 2 );
                //Save post
                add_action( 'save_post', array($this,'custom_wp_bakery_save_post_fun'), 12, 1);
                //Add Field on single Product Page
                add_action( 'woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button', array($this,'add_name_on_tshirt_field'));
            * Defined Product Data Tab 
            function basicpluginstr_product_data_tabs( $tabs ) {
                $tabs['basicpluginstr'] = array(
                    'label'  => esc_html__( 'basicpluginstr', 'cus-price-cal' ),
                    'target' => 'basicpluginstr_settings',
                    'class'  => array( 'show_if_basicpluginstr' ),
                return $tabs;
            * Define Product Data Panel
            function basicpluginstr_product_data_panels() {
                global $post;
                $post_id = $post->ID;
                $_core_price = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_core_price', true );
                <div id='basicpluginstr_settings' class='panel woocommerce_options_panel basicpluginstr_options_panel'>
                    <h1>Core Price</h1>
                    <input type="Text" name="_core_price" id="_core_price" value="<?php echo $_core_price;?>">
            function add_cart_item($cart_item) { 
                if ( isset( $cart_item['basicpluginstr'] ) ) {
                    foreach ( $cart_item['basicpluginstr'] as $basicpluginstr ) {
                        $_core_price = $basicpluginstr['_core_price']; 
                    //$cart_item['data']->adjust_price( $extra_cost );
                return $cart_item;
              function add_cart_item_data( $cart_item_data, $productId, $variationId ) {
                if ( empty( $cart_item_data['basicpluginstr'] ) ) {
                        $cart_item_data['basicpluginstr'] = array();
                $data[] = array(
                        'name'  => 'Core Price',
                        'value' => '10',
                        '_core_price' => 10
                $cart_item_data['basicpluginstr'] = array_merge( $cart_item_data['basicpluginstr'], $data);
                return $cart_item_data;
              function get_cart_item_data( $data, $cartItem ) {
                if ( isset( $cartItem['basicpluginstr'] ) ) {
                    foreach ( $cartItem['basicpluginstr'] as $basicpluginstr ) {
                        $name = $basicpluginstr['name'];  
                        $value = $basicpluginstr['value'];   
                    $data[] = array(
                        'name' => $name,
                        'value' => $value,
                        'display' => 0
                return $data;
            function get_cart_item_from_session($cart_item, $values) {
                if ( ! empty( $values['basicpluginstr'] ) ) {
                    $cart_item['basicpluginstr'] = $values['basicpluginstr'];
                    $cart_item = $this->add_cart_item( $cart_item );
                return $cart_item;
            function add_order_item_meta( $item_id, $values ) {
                if ( ! empty( $values['basicpluginstr'] ) ) {
                    foreach ( $values['basicpluginstr'] as $basicpluginstr ) {
                        $name = $basicpluginstr['name'];
                        $value = $basicpluginstr['value'];
                        woocommerce_add_order_item_meta( $item_id, $name, $value );
                        //woocommerce_add_order_item_meta( $item_id, 'basicpluginstr', 'basicpluginstr value' );
            function custom_wp_bakery_save_post_fun($post_id){
                if (isset($_POST['_core_price'])) {
                  update_post_meta($post_id, '_core_price', $_POST['_core_price']);
            function add_name_on_tshirt_field() {
                $_core_price = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_core_price', true );
                if (!empty($_core_price)) {
                     echo '<table class="variations" cellspacing="0">
                              <td class="label"><label for="color">Core Price</label></td>
                              <td class="value">
                                  <input type="text" name="_core_price" value="'.$_core_price.'" />
        new basicpluginstr();

    Please try the example in your working environment and modify it accordingly

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    enter image description here

    enter image description here

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