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I’m trying to get content of XML file from URL to Google Sheets using Apps Script (JS)

Unfortunately URL has lots of strange redirects and I have no impact on this on server side. I need to handle it by my side in JS. In Firefox I was able to download file normally but in JS it’s a challenge.

I was searched for solution for days and nothing helps. JS just can’t get file content.


I’ve tried those:

  • Default importXML in Goolge Sheets cell like this:

=importXml(""; "//variant")

  • UrlFetchApp:
function test(){
  var url = '';
  var xml = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,{'followRedirects': true, 'muteHttpExceptions': true}).getContentText();
  var jsonV = XML_to_JSON(xml);
  • XMLService:

var xml = XmlService.parse('',{'followRedirects': true, 'muteHttpExceptions': true});

  • tried followRedirects && muteHttpExceptions true and also false

Nothing helps.

Any idea how to get content from this XML to GoogleSheets?



  1. By analyzing the request sent by the browser, it seems, that you have to add the following value to the request header

    {'cookie': 'ip2loc=isset'}

    So your function would look like this:

    function myFunction() {
      var url = '';
      var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, { headers : {'cookie': 'ip2loc=isset'}} ).getContentText();
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  2. The following code works:

    function getXml() {
      var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
          headers: {Cookie: 'ip2loc=isset'}, 
      if (response.getResponseCode() == 200) {
        var content = response.getContentText();
        Logger.log(content.length);  // 1612024.0 in my test

    Please note, the above URL was taken from the first response "Location" header, when HTTP response code was equal to 302. The same response showed one more header: "Set-cookie:ip2loc=isset". I quess this cookie is important to receive full data, so we should implement it in request as a header. Really, after having corrected URL and added cookie header we obtain XML as any browser does.

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