I have a quite large products table and I need some smart solution to find out which products are (in woocommerce terms) Simple, Variable, and Variation.
In the example table below, ids 6 and 7 are Simple products (they don’t have children), 1 and 4 are Variable products (they have children), and 2,3,5 are Variations (they are children).
id | item_id | parent_id | other_columns |
1 | aaa | aaa | … |
2 | aaa-1 | aaa | … |
3 | aaa-2 | aaa | … |
4 | bbb | bbb | … |
5 | bbb-1 | bbb | … |
6 | ccc | ccc | … |
7 | ddd | ddd | … |
My goal is to first get Simple products, then get Variable products and import them and lastly get Variations and import them to the existing parent Variable products.
I have a solution for Simple products:
FROM $table_name
WHERE item_id = parent_id
GROUP BY parent_id
I’ve tried similar for the Variable products (count(*) > 1
), but it doesn’t work…
For Variation I have:
FROM $table_name
WHERE item_id != parent_id
- Simple products – select all where item_id is equal with parent_id, and parent_id occurs only once.
- Variable products – select all where item_id is equal with parent_id and parent_id occurs more than once.
- Variation – select all where item_id and parent_id are not equal.
How could I write those three queries, especially the second one? any help is appreciated.
I would solve this as a combination of SQL queries and php code.
At first I would get all parents (variable products) and fetch the results. In PHP then loop through the results and use the parents id as parameter for the next query.