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We are building a WordPress site and have integrated Stripe as a payment gateway with the Stripe Plugin. We have inputted our secret key in the Secret Key field found in Woocommerce > Settings > Payments > Stripe

Where is the secret key actually stored (is it stored in source code…db…where?) Someone did suggest it is stored in the database (phpMyAdmin), however, we did check every table but there is no stripe_secrect_key column anywhere to be found.

Also, is the secret key encrypted whereever it may be stored? This maybe a stupid question…

WooCommerce version: 5.6.0

WordPress version: 5.8

Stripe Gateway Plugin Version: 5.3.0

Kind Regards and TIA



  1. WooCommerce uses a combination of both WordPress database tables and its own custom tables to store its data. However, WooCommerce doesn’t have a dedicated table to store the customer data. The customer data is stored in different database tables, which sometimes might make retrieval of this data challenging

    Most data plugins store data in the wp_meta DB or it could created a json file to store that API key

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  2. Stripe’s keys are stored in wp_options table, option is called woocommerce_stripe_settings.

    And from the look of it, it does not seem to be encrypted. option_value is filled with a regular serialised PHP array.

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