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So I’m using the new WooCommerce Blocks for the first time. On the homepage of my website I’ve included the "ProductBestSellers" block and the "ProductOnSale" block. Both of these blocks show a grid styled layout for either best selling products or products on sale.

For the design I needed I had to add some wrappers to the html and therefore I cloned the repository from here; WooCommerce Gutenberg Blocks

The added html does work but now I need to include the product short description within these blocks. I’ve eddit the AbstractProductGrid.php as follows;


 * Render a single products.
 * Edited: 24/02/2020 
 * Added wrappers to display content with padding borders and other styling
 * @param int $id Product ID.
 * @return string Rendered product output.
public function render_product( $id ) {
    $product = wc_get_product( $id );

    if ( ! $product ) {
        return '';

    $data = (object) array(
        'permalink'     => esc_url( $product->get_permalink() ),
        'description'   => $this->get_description_html( $product ), <--- Add product short description
        'image'         => $this->get_image_html( $product ),
        'title'         => $this->get_title_html( $product ),
        'rating'        => $this->get_rating_html( $product ),
        'price'         => $this->get_price_html( $product ),
        'badge'         => $this->get_sale_badge_html( $product ),
        'button'        => $this->get_button_html( $product ),

    return apply_filters(
        "<li class="wc-block-grid__product">
            <div class="wc-block-grid__product__wrapper">
                <div class="wc-block-grid__product__items">
                    <a href="{$data->permalink}" class="wc-block-grid__product-link">
                    <div class="wc-block-grid__product__price-wrapper">

 * Get the product short description.
 * @param WC_Product $product Product.
 * @return string
protected function get_description_html( $product ) {
    if ( empty( $this->attributes['contentVisibility']['description'] ) ) {
        return '<p class="purple">The short description is empty</p>';
    return '<div class="wc-block-grid__description">' . $product->get_short_description() ? $product->get_short_description() : wc_trim_string( $product->get_description(), 400 ) . '</div>';

The code above returns an empty attribute, how can I include the short description for the new WooCommerce Blocks?



  1. I found this post when looking for an answer to this, I guess you might have solved it already but here is a suggested solution for anyone coming here.

    First, It´s not recommended to change the core files of WooCommerce or the Blocks-plugin, since if you update the plugin your changes will be overwritten.
    A better way is utilizing that the plugin is exposing a filter for the rendered output called "woocommerce_blocks_product_grid_item_html".

    So if you put this in your functions.php you will get the short description after the product title:

     * Add short description to WooCommerce product blocks
    add_filter('woocommerce_blocks_product_grid_item_html', 'add_short_desc_woocommerce_blocks_product_grid_item_html', 10 , 3);
    function add_short_desc_woocommerce_blocks_product_grid_item_html($content, $data, $product) {
        $short_description = '<div class="wc-block-grid__product-short-description">' . $product->get_short_description() . '</div>';
        // This will inject the short description after the first link (assumed: the default product link).
        $after_link_pos = strpos($content, "</a>");
        $before = substr($content, 0, $after_link_pos + 4);
        $after = substr($content, $after_link_pos + 4);
        $content = $before . $short_description . $after;
        return $content;
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  2. This is very interesting, I tried it on my site, and it works – however my first is after the image, which also is a link.

    So for me, the code from @Pierre, ended up outputtin:


    Anyone have any suggestions on how to make it output


    (Even when images are linked to the product page)


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