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On the template for order-downloads.php there is reference to the download file delivered for the order. But the reference that it uses produces an encrypted string rather than show the actual url.

%s = $download['download_url'];

In my case the download link will be a link that needs to be bookmarked, so I need the plain url. Can I instead use something like

$download = $order -> download_file();

and if so, what to use?

For testing I tried this code…

$testip = "";
if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
            $drmip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

        if $testip = "" {

            $testinvoice = $order->get_order_number();
            $testemail = $order->get_billing_email();
            $testproduct = $order->get_items();

            if(strstr($testproduct,"DDD")) {
                $testdownload = $order->get_downloadable_items()[0]['download_url'];
                echo "<script>alert('ID = " . $testinvoice . " nEmail = " . $testemail . " nURL = " . $testdownload . "')</script>";  


But I am getting an error "critical error on page"



  1. If you have only one possible download by order, you can use the following (that gets the first downloadable item):

    $download      = reset($downloads); // Get first download item
    $product = wc_get_product($download['product_id']);
    $product_downloads = $product->get_downloads();
    $product_download  = reset($product_downloads);
    $download_link     = $product_download->get_file();
    $order         = wc_get_order( $download['order_id'] );
    $order_number  = $order->get_order_number();
    $billing_email = $order->get_billing_email();
    $customer_name = $order->get_billing_first_name() . ' ' . $order->get_billing_last_name();
    // Test output
    print_r('<pre>ID = ' . $order_number . ' <br>Customer name = ' . $customer_name . ' <br>Email = ' . $billing_email . ' <br>URL = ' . $download_link . '</pre>');

    Tested and works.

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  2. The solution is perfect, but I would also like to get the URLs if there are several product downloads on the page.

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