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I have a few lines of code that look through an order and perform an action IF the order includes a particular subscription product (id 12496) and the total is more than 0.

function get_product_data( $customer_data, $order ) {

    foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) {

        if ( 12496 === $item->get_product_id() && ($order->get_total() > '0') ) {
            $customer_data['journey_sub_variation'] = $item['variation_id'];

    return $customer_data;

add_filter( 'wpf_woocommerce_customer_data', 'get_product_data', 10, 2 );

This all works ok, but it’s not exactly what I wanted. The reason I added the " > ‘0’ " condition is because I want the script to ignore orders that are "Switch Orders". But not all nill orders are necessarily switch orders. Parent orders in our subs are often 0 (we use free trials) so it’s not the correct solution.

What I would really like to do is perform the action IF the order includes that subscription product (id 12496) and it is not a Switch order.
Alternatively, we could check if the order in question is a parent order and so perform the action even if the total is 0.

Hope that makes sense.

I have tried playing with it for a few hours now, but can’t get anything to work.

Any ideas?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    LoicTheAztec's code did not work for me but was of great help in getting to a working solution. Here it is:

    function get_product_data( $customer_data, $order ) {
        foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) {
            if ( 12496 === $item->get_product_id() && (($order->get_total() > '0') || wcs_order_contains_subscription( $order, 'parent' )) ) {
                $customer_data['journey_sub_variation'] = $item['variation_id'];
        return $customer_data;
    add_filter( 'wpf_woocommerce_customer_data', 'get_product_data', 10, 2 );

    Thanks again LoicTheAztec

  2. To check if a given order was used to switch a subscription via checkout, you can use wcs_order_contains_subscription() conditional function like:

    function get_product_data( $customer_data, $order ) {
        // Exit if it is a switched subscription order
        if ( wcs_order_contains_subscription( $order, 'switch' ) ) {
            return $customer_data;
        foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) {
            if ( 12496 === $item->get_product_id() ) {
                $customer_data['journey_sub_variation'] = $item['variation_id'];
        return $customer_data;
    add_filter( 'wpf_woocommerce_customer_data', 'get_product_data', 10, 2 );

    It should work.

    The 2nd argument from wcs_order_contains_subscription() conditional function is the order type (array|string) (optional). It can include ‘parent’, ‘renewal’, ‘resubscribe’ and/or ‘switch’. Defaults value is set to ‘parent’.


    To check if an order is the main order (not a child order), you can use WC_Order get_parent_id() method like:

    if ( ! $order->get_parent_id() ) {
        // It is a main root order
    } else {
        // It is a child order
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