If I am using the following code to track recently viewed products…
* Track user woocommerce viewed products.
function dorzki_wc_track_product_views() {
if( ! is_singular( 'product' ) || is_active_widget( false, false, 'woocommerce_recently_viewed_products', true ) ) {
global $post;
if ( empty( $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'] ) ) {
$viewed_products = array();
} else {
$viewed_products = wp_parse_id_list( (array) explode( '|', wp_unslash( $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'] ) ) );
$keys = array_flip( $viewed_products );
if ( isset( $keys[ $post->ID ] ) ) {
unset( $viewed_products[ $keys[ $post->ID ] ] );
$viewed_products[] = $post->ID;
if ( count( $viewed_products ) > 15 ) {
array_shift( $viewed_products );
wc_setcookie( 'woocommerce_recently_viewed', implode( '|', $viewed_products ) );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'dorzki_wc_track_product_views', 20 );
and this code to display recently view products…
* Display recently viewed products.
function dorzki_wc_display_products_viewed() {
if ( empty( $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'] ) ) {
$total_products = apply_filters( 'loop_shop_columns', get_option( 'woocommerce_catalog_columns', 4 ) );
$viewed_products = wp_parse_id_list( (array) explode( '|', wp_unslash( $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'] ) ) );
$products = array_slice( $viewed_products, 0, $total_products );
$ids = implode( ',', $products );
echo "<h2>" . esc_html__( 'Recently Viewed Products', 'dorzki' ) . "</h2>";
echo do_shortcode( "[products ids='{$ids}']" );
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_cart', 'dorzki_wc_display_products_viewed' );
How can I obtain the ‘count’? Ideally I would like to create a shortcode that will output how many products the user has viewed recently.
I've tried this and I 'think' it works??
To just count the number of recently viewed products and return that in a shortcode, then you just have to count the exploded array of the cookie value.
Also, remember that you never echo a shortcode output, it must be returned.
This will return an integer.