I am using WPLMS theme for a course management website. I am using following code to display a button in the details page.
function custom_add_second_button($course_details){
$custom_link = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'Custom_button_link',true);
echo '<a class="full button" href="'.$custom_link.'"><span class="vicon vicon-shopping-cart"></span> Buy This Course</a>';
return $course_details;
return $course_details;
This is to show a custom add to cart button beside the title of the course. Now what I want is if a student has already purchased this course, this button will not come up. Kindly help me to achieve my goal please. Thanks in advance.
You can use WC
function to check whether the customer already bought it or not.USEFUL LINKS.
You can use the function bp_course_is_member($course_id,$user_id)) to check if the user is already a member of the course.