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Other email address should not be able to register on my website registration page except for emails ending in ""



  1. You can use this code in your theme functions.php file. Just change the to something else like, etc

    // Custom domain registration only
    function custom_domain_email($login, $email, $errors ){
     $accepted_domains_emails = array("");// allowed domains
     $valid = false; // sets default validation to false
     foreach( $accepted_domains_emails as $d ){
      $d_length = strlen( $d );
      $accepted_email_domain = strtolower( substr( $email, -($d_length), $d_length));
     if( $accepted_email_domain == strtolower($d) ){
      $valid = true;
     // Show error message
     if( $valid === false ){
    $errors->add('domain_whitelist_error',__( 'Registration is only allowed from domain only.' ));
    add_action('register_post', 'custom_domain_email',10,3 );
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  2. Easiest is to use a regular expression and match the given email address against it. Here is a simple demonstration using four addresses and deciding for each, whether it is accepted or rejected:

    $emailAddresses = [
      "[email protected] ",
      "   [email protected]",
      "[email protected]", 
    array_walk($emailAddresses, function($emailAddress) {
      var_dump(preg_match('/$/', trim($emailAddress)) ? "accepted" : "rejected");

    The output obviously is:

    string(8) "accepted"
    string(8) "accepted"
    string(8) "rejected"
    string(8) "rejected"
    string(8) "rejected"

    So all you actually need is that command:

    preg_match(‘/$/’, trim($emailAddress))

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