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I’m currently trying to fetch data from an external source (not a Wp site) to a Wp site using the wp_remote_get method.
The site that i want to get data from doesn’t have an actual json file to make the call instead they provide this link to make the request (
I’m using the below code to make the call.
Is there a way to parse the response in php with html elements so i can properly display it on my website?

Any help would be appreciated.

$url = '';

                   $request = wp_remote_get( $url );

                   if(is_wp_error($request)) {
                       return false;
                   } else {
                       $body = $request['body'];
                   echo $body;

$api_response = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true );

The response

 { "coord":{ "lon":159, "lat":35 }, "weather":[ { "id":500, "main":"Rain", "description":"light rain", "icon":"" } ], "base":"stations", "main":{ "temp":22.59, "pressure":1027.45, "humidity":100, "temp_min":22.59, "temp_max":22.59, "sea_level":1027.47, "grnd_level":1027.45 }, "wind":{ "speed":8.12, "deg":246.503 }, "rain":{ "3h":0.45 }, "clouds":{ "all":92 }, "dt":1499521932, "sys":{ "message":0.0034, "sunrise":1499451436, "sunset":1499503246 }, "id":0, "name":"", "cod":200 }



  1. Does this help? You had $response in there – which was never defined.

    $url = '';
    $request = wp_remote_get( $url );
    if(is_wp_error($request)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        // Returns the $body as object
        $body = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($request));
    echo '<div class="weather">' . $body->weather[0]->main .  '</div>';
    echo '<pre>'; print_r( $body ); echo '</pre>';
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  2. You can use your $api response to display data. check below code. I did not display all data but can be displayed it by the print echo "<pre>"; print_r($api_response); echo "</pre>";

    $url = '';
    $response = wp_remote_get( $url );
    if( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $api_response = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true );
        <h1>Weather reports</h1>
            <label>Lattitude - </label> <?php echo $api_response['coord']['lat']; ?>,
            <label>Longitude - </label> <?php echo $api_response['coord']['lon']; ?>
            <label><?php echo $api_response['weather'][0]['main']; ?><img src="<?php echo $api_response['weather'][0]['icon']; ?>"> - <?php echo $api_response['weather'][0]['description']; ?></label>
            <li>Temp - <?php echo $api_response['main']['temp']; ?></li>
            <li>Feels like - <?php echo $api_response['main']['feels_like']; ?></li>
            <li>Temp min - <?php echo $api_response['main']['temp_min']; ?></li>
            <li>Temp max - <?php echo $api_response['main']['temp_max']; ?></li>
            <li>Pressure - <?php echo $api_response['main']['pressure']; ?></li>
            <li>Humidity - <?php echo $api_response['main']['humidity']; ?></li>
                <li>Speed - <?php echo $api_response['wind']['speed']; ?></li>
                <li>Deg - <?php echo $api_response['wind']['deg']; ?></li>
                <li>Gust - <?php echo $api_response['wind']['gust']; ?></li>

    The above code displayed something like this. you can modify based on your requirements.

    enter image description here

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