I am using this code snippet to add the custom meta entered by customer from the custom field license_plate when they add a new vehicle to their account. how ever upon saving the post for whatever reason a second time – it will add the same meta again …this does not happen a third or fourth time it stops at 2 entries meaning duplicate – note: when erasing re-saving it will display the license plate 2x at most after updating many times. I believe there needs to be something in this code at the update_post part but how to code this I do not know. Can someone help me with this where it can check is the post title has already been filled in previous and then leave alone if that is true.
I am using cpt-UI for the custom posts and ACF for the fields.
// Auto-populate post title with ACF fields created before hand
function engx_auto_generate_vehicles_post_title( $value, $post_id, $field ) {
//$date = strtotime(get_field('license_plate', $post_id));
$license = get_field('license_plate', $post_id). ' ' . $value; //get the value of the meta inputed by customer
$title = $license; //actual usage
//$formatted_date = date_i18n('d M Y', $date); //saved for use case time
//$title = $formatted_date .' - '. $license; // this was kept as example with multiple meta usage
$slug = sanitize_title( $title ); //save meta
$postdata = array(
'ID' => $post_id,
'post_title' => $title, //Use the meta $title as the New auto generated Title for the newly created post the customer just created
'post_type' => 'vehicles', //The Custom Post Type Name
'post_name' => $slug
wp_update_post( $postdata );
return $value;
//add_filter('acf/update_value/name=date', 'jb_update_postdata', 10, 3);
add_filter('acf/update_value/name=license_plate', 'engx_auto_generate_vehicles_post_title', 10, 3); //acf hook from where to fetch this specific field data - is from acf documentation
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I figured it out found the peice of code needed to verify if empty first as follows
You are probably better off using
to handle events when creating new or updating existing vehicle posts…https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/acf-save_post/
See example below…