In gutenberg/block-editor, how can I check whether I’ve already registered a block type? Is there a function I can use? Searching through the Block Editor Handbook I couldn’t see a function to check this.
An example of what I am trying to do is below:
class My_Block {
public function __construct() {
if ( ! SOME_FUNCTION_block_exists('foo/column') ) {
register_block_type( 'foo/column', my_args );
In WordPress Gutenberg, using JavaScript you can check if a block exists by name with getBlockType(), eg:
While the above is probably the prefered way, there is a valid case for checking in PHP if a block is already registered, eg. if you want to add a render callback for a block with server side rendering. While I haven’t seen a core function for this, I’ve found a way it can be done by using the REST API endpoint for block-types to search for the block by
There is the method ´is_registered()´ in the class ´WP_Block_Type_Registry´ (that class handles the registration of blocks). See the docs: