I want to display advanced custom fields from my Product categorie on the product page that it is in.
so lets say I am on Home > category1 > category2 > Product
Category 2 is always a brand so I made a custom field where the value is "YES" if the product is a brand an "NO" if it isn’t a brand.
This displays the category AFC but not the last one so not category2 but category1 code
function get_current_product_category1(){
global $post;
$terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'product_cat' );
$nterms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'product_tag' );
foreach ($terms as $term ) {
$product_cat_id = $term->term_id;
// $product_cat_name = $term->name;
$product_cat_name = get_field('merk_header_afbeelding', $term);
return $product_cat_name['url'];
add_shortcode ('categorie_acf2', 'get_current_product_category1');
So I made a custom field that makes it a category2 or category1 and I filter on that so I only get back the Category2 items.
You have a break inside the for loop. Try without the break.
EDIT: Adding the code snippet to print the link to the category with "brand" custom field set to "Yes".
This will print only the first category with brand "Yes". If there are more of them, then you should concatenate all of them into one string.