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I have a question. I am new and still learning 🙂

I want to create a review block with gutenberg. And the rating has to be stars. But for some reason i dont get it worked. Maybe i am doing it wrong, maybe it isn’t possible. I hope some on could explain it to me.

For now i have created a selectcontrol and this works. When selecting A i get A. But i want to replace value: A for a star:

What i have

  label={ __( 'Select some users:' ) }
  value={ testimonial.selectcontrol } // e.g: value = [ 'a', 'c' ]
  onChange={ (value) => handleTestimonialChange('selectcontrol', value, index ) }
  options={ [
   { value: null, label: 'Select a User', disabled: true },
   { value: 'a', label: 'User A' },
   { value: 'b', label: 'User B' },
   { value: 'c', label: 'User c' },
    ] }

What i want

  label={ __( 'Select some users:' ) }
  value={ testimonial.selectcontrol } // e.g: value = [ 'a', 'c' ]
  onChange={ (value) => handleTestimonialChange('selectcontrol', value, index ) }
  options={ [
   { value: null, label: 'Select a User', disabled: true },
   { value: <i class="fas fa-star"></i>, label: 'User A' },
   { value: 'b', label: 'User B' },
   { value: 'c', label: 'User c' },
    ] }

The value returns in this code:

selectcontrolDisplay ( testimonial, index ) => {
return <span key={ index }>{testimonial.selectcontrol};
} );

What i get back in the backed from WordPress is object object. Like mentiond above, i am not sure or it possible. If some on could explain something different with the same result. I am happy to.

If the full code is needed please let me know.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thank you for time and answer! i got it work with a minor change where i changed '===' to '=='.

      selectcontrolDisplay = ( testimonial, index ) => {
       return  (testimonial.selectcontrol == 'star') ? <i class="fas fa-star"></i> : testimonial.selectcontrol;
       } );

  2. I think the reason you are getting [object object] is that in JSX <i class="fas fa-star"></i> gets converted into a React component (an object). So in your onChange={ (value) => {...} } line, value is a React component (an object) not the HTML you want to output. I would suggest using some other identifier as your option value (e.g. a string) and then converting that into your star icon when rendering:, index) => {
      return (testimonial.selectcontrol === 'star')
        ? <i class="fas fa-star"></i>
        : testimonial.selectcontrol;
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