I’m new to visual studio code and intelephense.
I’m working with WordPress and using a class called WP_CLI which’s a system installed. So, if I’m not wrong, class WP_CLI is not in my path so I get Undefined type 'WP_CLI'.intelephense(1009)
The ideal solution for me would be to be able to tell inteliphense that WP_CLI is defined elsewhere and not to bother with this error. Not to disable Undefined type altogether.
I can’t find the comment to disable it.
I’ve found the similar /** @var int $foo */
for variables but I can’t find the documentation for it so I can do the same with classes.
Is there an option to do that?
I found installing the stubs for WP_CLI fixes the issue.
It’s not super clear on how to install the stubs. in your project folder run
composer require --dev php-stubs/wp-cli-stubs
in that same folder, you will need a workspace file. they have the
extension. in there you needyou also need WordPress in
hope this saves someone some time and let me know if there is a better way