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Hello I am currently creating an automatic table of contents my wordpress web. My reference from

Problem :
Everything goes well unless in the <h3> tag has an <a> tag link. It make $names result missing.

I see problems because of this regex section

preg_match_all("/<h[3,4](?:sid="(.*)")?(?:.*)?>(.*)</h[3,4]>/", $content, $matches);

// get text under <h3> or <h4> tag.
$names = $matches[2];

I have tried modifying the regex (I don’t really understand this)

preg_match_all (/ <h [3,4] (?:  sid =  "(. *) ")? (?:. *)?> <a (. *)> (. *) < / a> < / h [3,4]> /", $content, $matches)

// get text under <a> tag.
$names = $matches[4];

The code above work for to find the text that is in the <h3> <a> a text </a> <h3> tag, but the h3 tag which doesn’t contain the <a> tag is a problem.

My Question :
How combine code above?
My expectation is if when the first code result does not appear then it is execute the second code as a result.

Or maybe there is a better solution? Thank you.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The answer @kinglish is the base of this solution, thank you very much. I slightly modify and simplify it according to my question article link. This code worked for me:

    preg_match_all('#(<h[3-4])sid="(.*?)"?>(.*?)(</h[3-4]>)#si',$content, $matches);    
        $tags = $matches[0];
        $ids = $matches[2];
        $raw_names = $matches[3];
        /* Clean $rawnames from other html tags */
        $clean_names= array_map(function($v){
            return trim(strip_tags($v));
        }, $raw_names);
        $names = $clean_names;

  2. Here’s a way that will remove any tags inside of header tags

    $html = <<<EOT
    <h3>Here's an <a href="thing.php">alternative solution</a></h3> to using regex. <h3>It may <a name='#thing'>not</a></h3> be the most elegant solution, but it works
    preg_match_all('#<h(.*?)>(.*?)</h(.*?)>#si', $html, $matches);
    foreach ($matches[0] as $num=>$blah) {
       $look_for = preg_quote($matches[0][$num],"/");
       $tag = str_replace("<","",explode(">",$matches[0][$num])[0]);
       $replace_with = "<$tag>" . strip_tags($matches[2][$num]) . "</$tag>";
       $html = preg_replace("/$look_for/", $replace_with,$html,1);
    echo "<pre>$html</pre>";
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