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Using the get_posts() method, I get and display the last 5 posts. They are displayed as a slider. Each slide is a different color. Only 3 colors: yellow, green and blue. How can I add a class to each of the 5 slides to give a different background? The first 3 slides should be yellow, green and blue, and the rest should be yellow and green. How can i do this? Now I tried to implement this functionality, but the class on each slide is yellow-slide
My Code:

$last_posts = get_posts(array(
    'numberposts' => 5,
    'orderby'     => 'date',
    'post_type'   => 'post',

global $post;

$bgcolor = '';

if ($counter == 0) {
    $bgcolor = 'yellow-slide';
} else if ($counter == 1) {
    $bgcolor = 'green-slide';
} else if ($counter == 2) {
    $bgcolor = 'blue-slide';
} else if ($counter == 3) {
    $bgcolor = 'yellow-slide';
} else {
    $bgcolor = 'green-slide';


  <div class="swiper">
    <div class="swiper-wrapper">
      <?php $counter = 0;
                    foreach ($last_posts as $post) :
                        setup_postdata($post); ?>
      <div class="swiper-slide <?php echo $bgcolor ?>"></div>
      <?php $counter++ ?>
      <?php endforeach;
                    wp_reset_postdata(); ?>



  1. Your PHP code is executed in the order it’s written in, so your if-statements will be executed before you’ve even started the foreach-loop (and before the variable $counter even exist). It should actually throw a bunch of "Undefined variable: $counter"-warnings/notices.

    There is an easier way though.

    • Put the class names in an array
    • Fetch the class from the array on each iteration that matches the array index

    Something like this:

    $bgcolors = [

    Then after you’ve defined that array, you can do:

    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($last_posts as $post) :
        <div class="swiper-slide <?php echo $bgcolors[$counter] ?>"></div>
        <?php $counter++ ?>
    <?php endforeach;
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  2. Please try this and check again.

    $last_posts = get_posts(array(
        'numberposts' => 5,
        'orderby'     => 'date',
        'post_type'   => 'post',
      <div class="swiper">
        <div class="swiper-wrapper">
            foreach ($last_posts as $key => $post) :
                $bgcolor = '';
                if ($key == 0) {
                    $bgcolor = 'yellow-slide';
                } else if ($key == 1) {
                    $bgcolor = 'green-slide';
                } else if ($key == 2) {
                    $bgcolor = 'blue-slide';
                } else if ($key == 3) {
                    $bgcolor = 'yellow-slide';
                } else {
                    $bgcolor = 'green-slide';
          <div class="swiper-slide <?php echo $bgcolor ?>"></div>
            <?php endforeach;
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