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I am converting a static an html code to wordpress theme, i want to open another page to open when i click on the anchor tag, how do i go about it. Thanks.

<li><a href="about-us.html" class="navlink">About Us</a></li>



  1. You could just put in the static URL but that will change if you move the about page into another folder. To keep this dynamic, you can use the wordpress function get_page_link() (if you have the page id) or get_permalink and get_page_by_path if you have the slug. The about page will need to be created in the database first so you can get these parameters.

    Using page ID: (ex: page ID is 40)

    <li><a href="<?php echo get_page_link(40); ?>" class="navlink">About Us</a></li>

    Using slug: (ex: slug is ‘about-us’)

    <li><a href="<?php echo get_permalink( get_page_by_path( 'about-us' ) ); ?>" class="navlink">About Us</a></li>

    You can also get it using the page title, though this might change over time so I don’t recommend it:

    <li><a href="<?php echo get_permalink( get_page_by_title( 'About Us' ) ) ?>" class="navlink">About Us</a></li>

    More information about retrieving links dynamically here:–cms-23262

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  2. In WordPress, links are permalinks:

    Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual weblog posts, as
    well as categories and other lists of weblog postings.
    Original link:

    When creating a theme, you must display the links that are available in the admin panel: Admin panel -> Appearance -> Menus

    The menu consists of locations, location is the place in the template where the user menu is displayed

    I created a mini plugin for you that allows you to create custom menus and display them anywhere

    Plugin structure:


    My example will be complete and working so that you can create any custom menus in WordPress. I will use the handlebars template engine to make things easier.

    And so the contents of the unbywyd-custom-menus.php file:

    Plugin Name: Unbywyd custom menus
    Version: 0.1
    Author: Unbywyd
    Author URI:
    *   We will use the Handlebars template engine
    if(!class_exists('LightnCandyLightnCandy')) {
        require_once ("handlebars/autoload.php");
    use LightnCandyLightnCandy;
    define('UCMS_DIR', plugin_dir_path(__FILE__));
    class unbywydCustomMenus {
        public $menus = [];
        function __construct($menus=array()) {
           $this->menus = $menus;
            add_action('init', array($this, 'init'));
            *   Create use_custom_menu shortcode 
            *   You can use [use_custom_menu location="navbar"] in wordpress posts to display navbar menu
            *   And also for using from php  <php print do_shortcode('[use_custom_menu location="navbar" customparam="test" class="test"]'); ?>
            add_shortcode( 'use_custom_menu', array($this, 'use_custom_menu'));
        function use_custom_menu($attrs) { // Create shortcode handler
            if(!isset($attrs['location'])) {
                $attrs['location'] =  '';
            return $this->get_nav($attrs['location'], $attrs);
        function get_template( $template_name ) { // Get a template by its name from templates/ directory
            $path_to_file = wp_normalize_path(UCMS_DIR . 'templates/' . $template_name . '.hbs');
            if(!file_exists($path_to_file)) {
                return '';
            return file_get_contents($path_to_file);
        function get_handlebars_partials() { // Get all partials from partials/ directory
            $path_to_partials = wp_normalize_path(UCMS_DIR . 'partials/');
            if(!file_exists($path_to_partials)) {
                return array();
            $list_files = scandir($path_to_partials);
            $partials = array();
            foreach($list_files as $path) {
                $path_to_file = wp_normalize_path($path_to_partials . '/'. $path);
                if(is_file($path_to_file)) {
                    $ext = pathinfo($path_to_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);               
                    if($ext == 'hbs') {         
                       $partials[pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_FILENAME)] = function($name, $context) use($path_to_file) {                        
                            return $this->prepare_template(file_get_contents($path_to_file))($context, array('partials' => $this->get_handlebars_partials()));
            return $partials;
        function get_handlebars_helpers() {
            return array(
                *   You can use debug helper to display the incoming data into the template
                *   {{{debug}}}
                'debug' => function($context, $options=array()) {
                    if(!current_user_can('editor') && !current_user_can('administrator')) {
                        return '';
                    return '<pre class="debug" dir="ltr" style="text-align:left !important;">'.json_encode($context['data']['root'], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE).'</pre>';
        // You can use this function to render any of your templates from /template directory
        function template_render($template_name, $data) {  
            $prepared_template = $this->prepare_template($this->get_template( $template_name ));   
            $partials = $this->get_handlebars_partials();
            return $prepared_template($data, array('partials' => $partials));    
        function prepare_template($template) {        
            $template = do_shortcode($template);       
            $prepared = LightnCandy::compile($template, array(
                'flags' => LightnCandy::FLAG_HANDLEBARSJS | LightnCandy::FLAG_ADVARNAME | LightnCandy::FLAG_RUNTIMEPARTIAL | LightnCandy::FLAG_ERROR_SKIPPARTIAL,
                'helpers' => $this->get_handlebars_helpers()
            return LightnCandy::prepare($prepared);
        function init() {
            *   Registering custom menu locations 
            foreach($this->menus as $menu) {
                register_nav_menu($menu['id'], $menu['label']);
        function build_tree(Array $data, $parent = 0) {
            $tree = array();
            foreach ($data as $d) {
                if ($d['parent'] == $parent) {
                    $children = $this->build_tree($data, $d['id']);
                    if (!empty($children)) {
                        $d['children'] = $children;
                    $tree[] = $d;
            return $tree;
        // Get generated HTML of navigation
        function get_nav( $location, $other_params=array() ) {
            $menu_data = $this->get_nav_menu_items_by_location($location);
            if(empty($menu_data)) {
                return 'You can do nothing, or you can display a notification that there are no links in the menu';            
            } else {
                return $this->template_render($location, array_merge($other_params, array('menu' => $menu_data)));            
        // Simple handler to build data of custom navigation
        function get_nav_menu_items_by_location( $location, $args = [] ) {
            $locations = get_nav_menu_locations();
            if(!isset($locations[$location])) {
                return array();
            $object = wp_get_nav_menu_object( $locations[$location] );
            if(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on') {
                $link = "https";
            } else {
                $link = "http";
            $link .= "://";
            $link .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
            $link .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
            if(!$object) {
                return array();
            $menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $object->name, $args );
            if(!$menu_items) {
                return array();
            } else {
                $menu = array();
                foreach( $menu_items as $i) {
                      $data = array(
                        'url' => $i->url,
                        'id' => $i->ID,
                        'parent' => $i->menu_item_parent,
                        'title' => $i->title,            
                        'active' => $i->url == $link || $i->url . '/' == $link,
                        'attr_title' => $i->attr_title,
                        'description' => $i->description,
                        'class' => implode(' ', $i->classes)
                    if(!empty($i->target)) {
                        $data['target'] = $i->target;
                    $menu[] = $data;
                return $this->build_tree($menu);
            return $menu_items;
    *   Сreate our custom menus
    *   Of course, you can add this complexity and bring it up to the plugin settings and display it in the wordpress admin panel as option page.
    new unbywydCustomMenus(
        ['id' => 'navbar', 'label' => 'Navbar menu'], 
        ['id' => 'footer', 'label'=> 'Menu in footer']

    First you call the plugin class and pass your custom menus to register them:

    new unbywydCustomMenus(
        ['id' => 'navbar', 'label' => 'Navbar menu'], 
        ['id' => 'footer', 'label'=> 'Menu in footer']

    Then you can customize the menus in the admin panel and add them to your locations
    Admin panel -> Appearance -> Menus | Manage Locations

    and now you can display your menu anywhere in the post using a shortcode:

     [use_custom_menu location="navbar" customparam="test" class="test"]

    You will also be able to display it programmatically using php:

    <php print do_shortcode('[use_custom_menu location="navbar" customparam="test" class="test"]'); ?>

    Link to GutHub with working plugin

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