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When using the Ultimate Member plugin on WordPress, I encountered one difficult problem for me. I need the uploaded user image in his profile to turn into a link like: The path to %username%.png is not important (the main thing is that it does not change), but I wanted so that the user’s uploaded image has a name that matches the username value. Tell me how this can be implemented, I’m new to PHP and know everything very superficially.

At the moment the link looks like:
The only thing I could cling to is that the letter 6 is the user id.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The solution to my problem was literally the only shareware file-renaming-on-upload plan with such a functionality. In it, you can automate the renaming of files depending on {port} {username} {date} and so on.

  2. You may use the following code to change the filename of a stream_photo using the Ultimate Member Form’s Uploader field. This changes the filename to the current logged-in user’s user_login value when you Upload with the uploader field that has a meta key second_profile_photo:

    add_filter( 'um_image_upload_handler_overrides__second_profile_photo', function( $uploader_overrides ) {
    if( 'stream_photo' ===  UM()->uploader()->upload_image_type) {
        $uploader_overrides['unique_filename_callback'] = function ( $dir, $filename, $ext ) {
            if ( empty( $ext ) ) {
                $image_type = wp_check_filetype( $filename );
                $ext = strtolower( trim( $image_type['ext'], ' /.' ) );
            } else {
                $ext = strtolower( trim( $ext, ' /.' ) );
            if ( 'image' == UM()->uploader()->upload_type ) {
                $filename = um_user('user_login') . ".{$ext}";
           UM()->uploader()->delete_existing_file( $filename, $ext, $dir );
            return $filename;
    return $uploader_overrides;

    } );

    This doesn’t change the download URL displayed in the Profile View but this let’s you generate the uploaded photo with your desired filename.

    Further code explanation:

    UM()->uploader()->upload_image_type checks if the current uploading file is a stream_photo.

    Ultimate Member has 4 upload types: profile_photo, cover_photo, stream_photo and file. In your case, you only need the stream_photo.

    This is the part that renames the filename with the current logged-in user’s user_login value:

    if ( 'image' == UM()->uploader()->upload_type ) {
      $filename = um_user('user_login') . ".{$ext}";
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