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I want to track the URL of the current page, then pass it to a URL variable to the next page.

For example

So everytime someone moves to the next page, the URL of the previous page is add to a URL variable in the next page.



  1. I’m not sure if this is the right way. I would use Google Analytics API referral data. But you can create the following shortcode:

    function get_current_page_link () {
        global $wp; //get global wp query
        return home_url( $wp->request ); //get the url of the current page
    add_shortcode('get_current_page_link ', 'get_current_page_link ');

    If you want to add the code via PHP code:

    <a href="<?php echo do_shortcode("[get_current_page_link]"); ?>">About</a>

    If you want to use it in your editor you can add url’s as such:[get_current_page_link]

    The editor in the text mode, it will show up like this:

    <a href="[get_current_page_link]">About</a>
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  2. Why not use document.referrer?
    So e.g. create a new variable in your web-analytics system and use the following js code to populate it:

    function includeReferrer() {
      var ref = document.referrer,
          loc = document.location.href,
      if (loc.includes('?') != -1) {
        newLoc = loc + "&fromsource=" + ref;
      } else {
        newLoc = loc + "?fromsource=" + ref; 

    In this case, you are not overwriting the actual URL, but instead create a new string which includes the requested parameter and can be used for any kind of tracking purpose.

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