I have been trying to insert some fields from a gravity forms submission into a custom WP database and can’t seem to get the fields to populate.
// create a past speaking event
add_action( 'gform_after_submission_8', 'add_past_speaking_event', 10, 2 );
function add_past_speaking_event($entry, $form) {
global $wpdb;
$author = $entry[1];
$postID = $entry[9];
$eventTitle = $entry[6];
$event_description = $entry[8];
$tablename ="wp_past_speaking_events";
$wpdb->insert($tableName, array('event_id'=> NULL, 'post_id' => $postID, 'author' => $author, 'event_title' => $eventTitle, 'event_description' => $event_description), array('%d', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%s'));
I have echoed the $author, $postID etc. and they are all populated with the right data. And I get a success message after form submission. But when I check the DB I don’t see any new entries.
This code is placed in the functions.php file of my child theme.
Any help appreciated.
Ok so I solved this. I never found out why wpdb->insert didn't work but went with wpdb->query instead.
I ended up just putting the table name into the query as well and getting rid of the
.Two things that helped a bunch were
So now when I submit a gravity form with an ID of 8 the function will run and store the fields in a custom table. If you wanted to do this for every form you would use 'gform_after_submission' instead.
There’s a problem with WordPress versions older than 4.4 as mentioned here #15158 and WordPress doesn’t support null values in wpdb->insert on numeric columns
So with if you’re using any versions of WordPress below 4.4, you can try and remove
from your insert array and see if it works or not