Here is what I am at right now, but it does not return anything
select wp_users.user_nicename, wp_users.user_email, max(yearweek(wp_wpforo_posts.created)) as w
from LeBearCNC.wp_users, wp_wpforo_posts
where wp_users.ID = wp_wpforo_posts.userid
and not exists (select max(yearweek(wp_wpforo_posts.created)) where wp_users.ID = wp_wpforo_posts.userid) /*and yearweek(current_date()) - 12 < yearweek(wp_wpforo_posts.created))*/
group by wp_users.user_nicename, wp_users.user_email
order by w desc;
if I put the max(yearweek(wp_wpforo_posts.created)) in the where clause, I get an error "invalid use of group function"
Forgot to precise that wp_wpforo tables are for a forum plugin named wpForo
I managed to get what I want, using a temporary table, but I believe I should be able to bypass the need for this temporary table. I just don’t know how:
create temporary table if not exists lastpost as
(select wp_wpforo_posts.userid,max(date(wp_wpforo_posts.created)) as w
from wp_wpforo_posts
group by userid);
SELECT wp_users.display_name, wp_users.user_email, lastpost.w
from wp_users, lastpost
where lastpost.userid = wp_users.ID
and date_add(lastpost.w, interval 6 month) < date(current_date())
order by w desc;
Thanks for you help,
you can use subqueries as temporary tabels and notice is use standrd sql JOIN for my queries, as this is standrad nowadays
You could try to use this query