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I have the following:

        $content = apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() );
        $content_table = explode("<p>", $content);

        $content_table[3] .= $spot1;
        $content_table[6] .= $spot2;
        $content_table[9] .= $spot3;
        $content_table[12] .= $spot4;
        $content_table[15] .= $spot5;

        $content2 = implode($content_table, "<p>");
        echo $content2;

This grabs the content from the page (WordPress) and then after each 3rd paragraph inserts a custom shortcode (ie. $spot1) – this works great, but it only applies to paragraphs. How do I also include H2 tags? Because it only applies to paragraphs I find that the $spot1 comes after the heading – but I want to include headings in the equation – so that it counts these as well.



  1. We can build a custom function that will act as a multi-separators explode using str_replace() and explode().

     * Multi-separators explode.
     * Split a string by an array of separators.
     * PHP version >= 8.0.0 required.
     * @param Array $separators. The boundaries.
     * @param String $string. The input string.
     * @return Array Returns an array of strings created by splitting the string parameter on boundaries formed by an array of separators.
     * @see
    if ( ! function_exists( 'wpso70468351' ) ) {
        function wpso70468351( $separators, $string ) {
            if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '8.0.0', '<' ) ) //Verify the current PHP version. Due to the use of the explode default function recently released with PHP 8.0.0.
            $buffer = str_replace( $separators, $separators[0], $string );
            return explode( $separators[0], $buffer );

    On the front-end, we can call our function to parse our content.

    echo '<pre>';
    print_r( wpso70468351( ['<h2>', '<p>'], get_the_content() ) );
    echo '</pre>';
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  2. // add marker to paragraphs
    $content = str_replace('</p>', '</p>[marker]', $content);
    // add marker to h2 tags
    $content = str_replace('</h2>', '</h2>[marker]', $content);
    // explode by marker
    $content_table = array_map('trim', explode("[marker]", $content));
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