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Any help is very appreciated.

Short story:

I would like some help trying to understand what this line of code is intended to do.


I deciphered most of it except the $shall part. $shall does not appear anywhere else and I did not go into details of reading WordPress code.

The line appeared in the below files as the first line right after <?php

Long story:

I have a site that runs on WordPress and it randomly broke with errors in 2 WordPress files. The filenames are



It is not present in WordPress GitLab file versions. We did not initiate any WordPress updates, etc. I commented out the line in both files and all is back to normal.

Any ideas as to how/why/for what purpose this line would appear there?



  1. If ($_REQUEST['shall']="something") then $shall will equal string 'something' after the extract part. If there’s a function called something it will execute. So basically all wordpress functions are available for this script. This is a back door for a malware no doubt. Not good.

    Search in google found record of the file name somewhere, however before you remove it be ready for it to re-appear if you haven’t fixed your vulnerabilities.

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  2. This is a malware and remove the code part from the file. Then it works for me

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