I need to add some content to the Wooommerce thankyou.php. In the past, I had added it by overriding it in the child theme, but this is not an option any longer so I need to add the content through an action hook somehow. How can I do this? The content I need to add is
<div class ="text"><p>Lorem ipsum <strong><?php echo $order->get_order_number(); ?></strong>.</p>
<?php if ( 'paypal' == $order->get_payment_method() ){
printf( __("<p>Lorem ipsum <strong>%s</strong>.</p>", "woocommerce"), $order->get_billing_email() );
else {printf( __("<p>Lorem ipsum 2 <strong>%s</strong>.</p>", "woocommerce"), $order->get_billing_email() );
} ?>
Lorem ipsum
How can I add this content to the thankyou.php and remove the default "Thank you, your order has been received" sentence plus order overview table at the top?
Havent tried it, but this might work:
You can use woocommerce action hooks woocommerce_thankyou_. For further information on how to use it you can view this link. Hope it helps 🙂