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This is driving me mad. I have an image within a text box on a straightforward elementor page. It is sitting nicely in the "Text Editor Widget" and I want to add rounded corners to it.

I have created a CSS class in "Site Settings/Custom CSS" and then assigned the image to that class within the image editor in the text editor. .AZ-rounded-image { border-radius: 15px; } And nothing happens… Can anyone help — I have wasted there hours on this … Many thanks in advance Andy



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thank you very much for the time you took to reply.

    I tried that but it didn't wrk.

    But I have solved it: my CSS class was being over-written by something within elementor.

    So I added "!important" to the line and all is well! It works and sanity has returned.

    Many thanks


  2. Have you tried setting the overflow to hidden, like shown below? By default overflow is visible hence if the content of .AZ-rounded-image is larger it will overflow making the border-radius invisible.

    .AZ-rounded-image { 
        border-radius: 15px;
        overflow: hidden;
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