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How do you get the thumbnail not the feature image from the posts query using WPGraphQL Headless?

I can see that you can quite easily get the featured image and then it has srcSets for different imagery of a smaller size but there is no option that is clear that would give me the posts thumbnail image.

The reason I want to get a thumbnail instead of a featured image is because of performance.



  1. Just had the very same question and hacked it with a one-liner that returns the thumbnail URL from the image’s original sourceUrl:

     const thumbnailUrl = (srcUrl) => {
        if (!srcUrl) return;
        return srcUrl.split('.').slice(0,-1).join('.') + "-150x150." + srcUrl.split('.').pop();

    Since it adds a fixed string for the size variant it only works for fixed/cropped image sizes such as thumbnail.

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  2. if it can help someone, my srcset is empty in the GQL answer so it doesn’t work as expected.

    I get the wp thumbnails using "mediaDetails" like so :

    featuredImage {
                node {
                    mediaDetails {
                        sizes {
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