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I have a date picker field in my WordPress Website using the Ninja Forms Plugin. I don’t think the plugin gives me the option to restrict past dates. So I want to achieve that the user can not pick any past dates.

I have of course tried to google a solution but I am not really good with javascript/jquery and don’t understand how I can achieve this. Can anyone help? Many thanks in advance!



  1. It appears Ninja Forms has an advance date picker option I am not familiar with it but here is the link

    NOW I don’t know the exact Ninja Forms syntax but this should jolt your brain to get started.
    Other wise you can create a small custom WP-plugin using a add_filter() and function like

      add_filter( 'ninja_form_date_limt'  );
      function ninja_form_date_limt() {
            plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'script.js', 
            array( 'jquery' ), 

    This calls on a JQuery or JavaScript function in your theme/js/script.js file or wherever you keep custom JS Which could will could use something like this.

    var tomorrow = new Date();
    tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
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  2. Found a solution to this by combining a few things I found across the web while trying to solve this problem.

    Simply add this code to any page where you have a date picker where you want to restrict past dates. This one also restricts the current day so they have to pick starting tomorrow.

    jQuery(document).ready( function( $ ) {
    var customDatePicker = Marionette.Object.extend( {
    initialize: function() {
    this.listenTo( 'flatpickr' ), 'init', this.modifyDatepicker );
    modifyDatepicker: function( dateObject, fieldModel ) {
    var tomorrow = new Date();
    tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
    dateObject.set("minDate", tomorrow );
    new customDatePicker();
    } );
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