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After I updated to version 6.3.2 of wordpress, the images are not showing in edit mode anymore (blog) and are displayed like this:

![enter image description here

In the published blog they are visible though.

Also the "eye" icon after the title is huge. The only plugins I use are:

  • Smush
  • W3 Total Cache

I already tried to deactivate all plugins but it didn’t change anything.
Does anyone have the same problem and knows how to solve it?

Edit: Today a new update for Astra theme (4.4.0) was released which at least solved the issue with the huge eye icon. Images are still not displayed in edit mode.



  1. Same thing, I did a clean install with no particular plugins or themes but just the default ones and also in settings – discussion I don’t see the images anymore

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  2. Let’s address them step by step:

    1. Images Not Displaying in Edit Mode:

      • Theme and Plugin Conflict: While you’ve mentioned deactivating all plugins didn’t resolve the issue, it’s also worth checking if the theme, Astra in your case, could be causing the issue. Although the latest update of Astra fixed the eye icon issue, it’s possible that it might still have some incompatibilities with the latest WordPress version.
      • WordPress Core Files: Sometimes, updating WordPress can result in corrupted files. You might want to try re-uploading the core files. You can do this by downloading the latest WordPress version from the official website and then uploading it to your server via FTP, overwriting the existing files. Be careful not to overwrite your wp-config.php file or the wp-content directory.
      • Check Browser Console: When editing a post, open your browser’s developer tools and check the console for any JavaScript errors. JavaScript issues can often cause features in the WordPress admin area to break.
      • File Permissions: Incorrect file permissions on your server can lead to media not being displayed correctly. Check that your media files have the correct permissions.
    2. Huge "Eye" Icon Issue:

      • Since the update of the Astra theme resolved this, it seems it was a theme-specific issue. Ensure that your theme and all plugins are up to date.

    General Steps to Follow:

    • Clear Caches: After making any changes (like deactivating plugins, updating themes, or WordPress), always clear your caches. Since you’re using W3 Total Cache, ensure you clear the cache from there as well as your browser cache.
    • Check with Default Theme: Temporarily switch to a default WordPress theme like Twenty Twenty-Two and see if the issue persists. If it resolves the issue, the problem is likely with the Astra theme.
    • Debugging: Enable debugging in WordPress by setting WP_DEBUG to true in your wp-config.php file. This can provide additional information if there are underlying PHP errors.

    If none of these steps resolve the issue, consider reaching out to the WordPress support forums or the support for the Astra theme. They may have more insight into issues specific to their products. Remember to provide them with detailed information about the problem, including any errors you see in the browser console or debug log.

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