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I have a website with 100 posts of a custom post type. On the single pages of each post, I would like to have a “Previous” and “Next” link to quickly jump to, you guessed it, the previous or next post.

I thought that was going to be easy, and I made these links:

<?php $prev_post = get_previous_post();
  if ($prev_post) {
   echo '<a rel="prev" href="' . get_permalink($prev_post->ID) . '">Previous</a>';
  } ?>
<?php $next_post = get_next_post();
  if ($next_post) {
   echo '<a rel="next" href="' . get_permalink($next_post->ID) . '">Next</a>';
  } ?>

Except those does not work. Instead of a hundred posts I can navigate through, it only allows me to jump through 5 posts. And random ones too: it goes from #1 to #15, then #40, #58, #80. Or if I decide to start from #100 and click previous, it goes to #79, then #40, #39 and #1.

It’s all very random. I have no clue what order this is and why it does not have all the posts.

Ideally I would like to go through the posts in alphabetical order of their slug. Ignoring taxonomy.

Anyone know how to do this? Thanks!



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Looking more into it, I managed to solve it like that:

    $criteria = array( 
        'post_type' => 'data_type',
        'orderby' => 'slug',
        'order' => 'ASC',
        'posts_per_page' => -1
    $posts = get_posts($criteria);
    $ids = array();
    foreach ($posts as $thepost) {
        $ids[] = $thepost->ID;
    $index = array_search($post->ID, $ids);
    $previd = $ids[$index - 1];
    $nextid = $ids[$index + 1];
    if ($previd) { ?>
        <a rel="prev" href="<?php echo get_permalink($previd) ?>">Previous</a>
    <?php }
    if ($nextid) { ?>
        <a rel="next" href="<?php echo get_permalink($nextid) ?>">Next</a>
    <?php } ?>

    The limit of 5 posts was fixed with 'posts_per_page' => -1. The rest seems too complex for what is actually needed. If anyone knows of a simpler way closer to get_previous_post() I initially tried, I’m still interested.

  2. Try this , but replace the post type.

    if( get_adjacent_post(false, '', false) ) { 
        next_post_link('%link', '&larr; Previous project');
    } else { 
        $last = new WP_Query('post_type=project&posts_per_page=1&order=DESC'); $last->the_post();
        echo '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">&larr; Previous project</a>';
    if( get_adjacent_post(false, '', true) ) { 
        previous_post_link('%link', 'Next project &rarr;');
    } else { 
        $first = new WP_Query('post_type=project&posts_per_page=1&order=ASC'); $first->the_post();
        echo '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">Next project &rarr;</a>';
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