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Why can’t I select only the packages that I need in Xcode 15, when I add dependencies with Swift Package Manager? For example, I want to install Firebase, but I don’t need all of those dependencies that come with it. There is no checkmark next to the package name, so I can’t deselect it.
enter image description here



  1. You should just not add them to your target.

    1. Select the project
    2. Select the target
    3. (from the general tap) go to the frameworks, libraries, ….
    4. Select the frameworks you don’t want
    5. hit the delete or just click on the minus button below
    6. Confirm


    You can add them back with the plus button if you need to.

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  2. Yes, an embarrassing Xcode bug.

    Firstly: why all items are enabled y default? In older Xcode there was checkboxes at left side and by default selected none. Now checkboxes was removed and several tens items selected by default.

    Secondly: embarrassing bug – when you set manually None and scroll down and back up, None is removed!


    Xcode version: 15.0.1 (15A507)

    Reported as: FB13445955 since is not public, we do not know hav many thousands people must report it also uselessly because we do not know if already reported.

    It seems we can not omit items during adding, we must add all and later remove!

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