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When I use add_definitions(-DENABLE_SOMETHING) or add_compile_definitions(-DENABLE_SOMETHING) in CMake to generate a XCode Project, it will work for all archs in build setting.Just like below:enter image description here

How could I use add_definitions or add_compile_definitions for specific arch, like this:
enter image description here

Because I want to define different macros for arm64 and armv7.

I tried to append or set xcode property XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS[arch=arm64], but it will override the value generated before and only the new macro remained.
enter image description here

I know there is a simple way to solve this by generating xcode project for two times with different arch, like this

cmake . -G Xcode -DARCHS="armv7"
cmake . -G Xcode -DARCHS="arm64"

but I wanna to know How to fix this avoid running the command two times.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Answer my question. I gave up looking for a pure-cmake way to solve this, and using compiler(llvm or gcc) inside arch macro to figure out which arch it is.

        #if defined(__aarch64__) // arm64
        #define MACRO_FOR_ARM64
        #elif defined(__arm__) // armv7
        #define MACRO_FOR_ARMV7

    I defined this in a common header file and it will be included by any files I want to use the macro.

  2. Nice question! I think you’re on the right track with using the XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_<an-attribute> target property. The documentation says it accepts generator expressions, so maybe you can do something like this?

    # early on:
      TARGET MyApp
    # later on:
    elseif (ARCHS MATCHES "arm64")
      target_compile_definitions(MyApp PRIVATE ENABLE_SOMETHING)
    endif ()

    The idea here being that you get what the usual compile definitions would be (via the generator expression), plus the definitions added to the custom property ARM64_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS.

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