im trying to build unity project to ios device
everything was working good before i installed FaceBookSDK
now i always get this error:
i was trying some solutions over the internet including this
none of them helped me
unity 2020.3.18f1
FacebookSDK 11.0.0
any help?
finally i fixed it using this
the solution:
1- Open terminal and open project output folder (cd [folder path])
2- I run the code "pod install", it created the xcworkscape file.
3- I open the xcworkspace file in xcode and it works without error on device
this is an issue occurs when using Facebook SDK above 11.1.0,
all you have to do is downgrade the SDK to 11.1.0,
Open the pod file as notepad or on Xcode and change the pod Script for Facebook SDK
replace this
to this