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When trying to run my flutter program, i’m getting the following errors:

Unhandled exception:
    Null check operator used on a null value
    #0      Context.embedFlutterFrameworks
    #2      main (file:///Users/mustafa/flutter/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xcode_backend.dart:17:5)
    #3      _delayEntrypointInvocation.<anonymous closure>
    #4      _RawReceivePort._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:184:12)
    Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

Flutter Doctor details:

[✓] Flutter (Channel master, 3.16.0-6.0.pre.46, on macOS 14.0 23A344 darwin-arm64, locale en-TZ)
    • Flutter version 3.16.0-6.0.pre.46 on channel master at /Users/mustafa/flutter
    • Upstream repository
    • Framework revision 6dce1425e0 (43 minutes ago), 2023-10-09 09:10:25 -0400
    • Engine revision 664f5e8338
    • Dart version 3.3.0 (build
    • DevTools version 2.28.1

[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 33.0.1)
    • Android SDK at /Users/mustafa/Library/Android/sdk
    • Platform android-33, build-tools 33.0.1
    • Java binary at: /Applications/Android
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.6+0-17.0.6b829.9-10027231)
    • All Android licenses accepted.

[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 15.0)
    • Xcode at /Applications/
    • Build 15A240d
    • CocoaPods version 1.13.0

[✓] Chrome - develop for the web
    • Chrome at /Applications/Google Chrome

[✓] Android Studio (version 2022.3)
    • Android Studio at /Applications/Android
    • Flutter plugin can be installed from:
    • Dart plugin can be installed from:
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.6+0-17.0.6b829.9-10027231)

[✓] VS Code (version 1.83.0)
    • VS Code at /Applications/Visual Studio
    • Flutter extension version 3.74.0

[✓] Connected device (3 available)
    • iPhone 15 Pro (mobile) • A78DD306-C05C-4547-A0E5-B87FBA654D3F • ios            • (simulator)
    • macOS (desktop)        • macos                                • darwin-arm64   • macOS 14.0
      23A344 darwin-arm64
    • Chrome (web)           • chrome                               • web-javascript • Google Chrome
[✓] Network resources
• All expected network resources are available.

• No issues found!

I am using a MacBook Air M1 running on Sonoma 14.0 and Xcode 15.0. I have tried clearing flutter cache, updating flutter and re-installing podfile but the error still persists.



  1. I have been experiencing this issue for a while. Downgrading to Flutter 3.13.9 resolved it:

    flutter downgrade
    flutter clean && flutter pub get
    pod repo update && pod install
    flutter run

    Probably that bug should be properly reported to Flutter GitHub.

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  2. There seems to be an issue with the 3.16 flutter version, probably linked to the native_assets feature.

    In flutter/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xcode_backend.dart at line 231 it fails to get the environment variable FLUTTER_BUILD_DIR so the null check fails :

    final String flutterBuildDir = environment['FLUTTER_BUILD_DIR']!;

    Instead of downgrading it is possible as a work-around to modify this line to :

    final String flutterBuildDir = environment['FLUTTER_BUILD_DIR'] ?? 'build';
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