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In My Xcode 12.4 I can’t build my projects anymore. Each time I do I get "No such module…" for each Pod. I haven’t made any other changes to the project. I’ve cleaned, deleted Derived Data, restarted my computer, deleted and reinstalled the Pods, updated Cocoapods, added arm64 in excluded Architecture etc.

I can run on my device but not on a simulator

Has anyone else had this issue?



  1. Adding this to podfile helps me

    post_install do |installer|   
          installer.pods_project.build_configurations.each do |config|
            config.build_settings["EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"] = "arm64"
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  2. For Mac’s with the new M1 chip:

    1. Open Finder -> Applications
    2. Right-click on XCode -> Select Get Info
    3. Select the box for Open with Rosetta
    4. Completely quit XCode and reopen.
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  3. For me the fix was Kirill’s accepted answer, but I also needed to add arm64 for Excluded Architectures in target’s Build Settings:


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