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Not able to built WebDriverAgent in iOS mobile devices in Xcode version 14.3. Getting error as "Cannot link directly with dylib/framework, your binary is not an allowed client of /Applications/ for architecture arm64"

Xcode Version : 14.3
MacOS Version : 13.2.1
Appium Version : 1.22.1

After getting that above error, i gone through the Appium site and they asked us to install Appium 2 which is 2.0.0-beta.65. After installed the latest version, i am able to build the WebDriveragent in mobile

Here, Another issue occured, when i start appium it starts in 1.22.1 version

[Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.22.3
[Appium] Non-default server args:
[Appium] relaxedSecurityEnabled: true
[Appium] allowInsecure: {
[Appium] }
[Appium] denyInsecure: {
[Appium] }
[Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on

Any other workaround will helpful. I am stuck with these for past two weeks.`



  1. You will face this issue on MAC because WDA present inside Appium is not compatible with your XCode 14.2. When you install Appium, it is equipped with latest WDA at the time of released version for example appium 1.22.3 will come with WebdriverAgent 3.17.0

    You can try installing latest WDA using this command

    npm install -g appium-webdriveragent

    Start webdriver agent using XCodeBuild. Hit this command to do the same

    xcodebuild -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj 
               -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner 
               -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=<device_name>' 

    Here device_name is your device name for example iPhone XR
    Start appium using command appium

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  2. If above steps does not work for you then you have to replace your WDA manually using below steps. Here are the steps to be followed to replace older WDA to latest WDA

    1. For XCode 14.2 Download latest WDA from here
    2. Download Source code.(zip) from above link on you mac machine
    3. unzip file
    4. Copy all the files and folders present inside unzipped folder
    5. You have to update all these contents into WebdriverAgent present inside Appium Server folder
    6. In Mac, Go to Applications
    7. Right click on Appium Server GUI > Contents > Resources > App >
      node_modules > appium > node_modules > Appium-webdriver agent
    8. Paste all the contents you have downloaded inside WebDriverAgent folder
    9. Check for WebDriverAgent.XCodeProj
    10. Open WebDriverAgent.XCodeProj in XCode
    11. If project is not open click on folder icon present on top right
    12. Click on WebDriverAgent
    13. In centre panel > TARGETS Select WebDriverAgentRunner
    14. Click on Signing and Capabilities
    15. Click on "Team" Drop down to sign in your app
    16. You can select existing certificate or new certificate where you have to apple certificate
    17. Find WebDriverAgent project on top.
    18. select WebDriverAgentRunner from drop down
    19. Select targeted device from drop down on which you want to execute test cases
    20. Click on "Product" menu
    21. Click on "Test"
    22. It will install WebDriverAgent on you targeted device
    23. Now you can try to launch new session from appium inspector
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