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To access the current git branch and commit, I have been using this script successfully for a long time.
However, with Xcode 15.0 beta, the script has no longer access to the git and Info.plist files. I am getting these errors:

error: Sandbox: git(64989) deny(1) file-read-data <MyFolder>/.git/HEAD  
error: Sandbox: PlistBuddy(64994) deny(1) file-read-data <MyFolder>/Info.plist  

Is it possible to allow access to these files again?



  1. In your build settings, you can set "User Script Sandboxing" to "No".

    Screenshot of setting "User Script Sandboxing" to no in Xcode 15

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  2. Coba aktifkan nagamenslot karena saat itu pernah aktif

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