I updated xcode to version 15.
My problem is when I run my application on both an iOS device and simulator, the fonts I had set via storyboard are not reflected properly. Does anyone know why?
I understand a workaround would be set the fonts programmatically, as I had found was described by Apple in their release notes, but i am really hoping to avoid that if a less tedious solution happens to exist!
Unfortunately as you have stated, it’s a known issue in Xcode 15 since early betas, and still present in official release.
I definitely hope a fix will come soon but since they seem to focus their efforts on SwiftUI nowadays, it could take time…
Only workarounds currently are:
What I did was creating an extension for UILabel/UIButton and UITextField and exposing this to storyboard via @IBInspectable where I pass the size for the given custom font I need, then you set this from storyboard or xib and should work as the one with programatically added.