In switching from Cordova to Capacitor we seem to have lost the ability to deploy our app to physical devices using the command line. This is helpful so that our automated build process can push it out to a set of devices we have connected to the server. All the docs for deploying with Capacitor say to open Xcode and select a device for deployment. I’m trying with instruments to get the device ID and then xcodebuild to install it
instruments -s devices | grep -v Simulator | grep -e iPhone -e iPad
xcodebuild install -workspace ios/App/App.xcworkspace -scheme App -destination 'platform=iOS,id=76a....781'
And even though this ends with ** install succeeded ** the app has not been installed on the device
If waiting for Capacitor 3 is not an option these three lines work
xcodebuild -workspace ios/App/App.xcworkspace/ -scheme App -archivePath ./ios/App.xcarchive archive
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ./ios/App.xcarchive -exportOptionsPlist ./ios/App/export-development.plist -exportPath ./iOS
ios-deploy --debug --bundle ios/App.ipa
You can consider bumping your Capacitor version to v3.0.0 rc3.. The team is building upon a new command to run the app on device without opening the native ide.
npx cap run ios
Source Discussion Capacitor v3
Alternative – Use Ionic Appflow for deployments.
For Appflow builds on the cloud.. You can do two things there..
You can also set auto triggers for these workflows as well when you commit your code to the repository.