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I am very new to swift and found this one difficult, so its saying that it cannot be parsed to a variable because its not a string.

I searched and found something but it was not related near to my type of code so I am kindly asking for it 🙂

    let dateFormatterGet = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatterGet.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"

    let dateFormatterPrint = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatterPrint.dateFormat = "MMM dd,yyyy"

    let date: NSDate? = currentVechicle.LastCommunicationDate!) as NSDate?
    print(dateFormatterPrint.string(from: date! as Date))

    cell.perditsuarOutlet.text = date    // Error: Cannot assign value of type 'NSDate?' to type 'String?'



    • your date constant is an NSDate.

    • and the cells text property is a String.

    You can’t pair the two together since they aren’t the same type.

    Since you can’t change the cells text type, that only leaves you with 1 option. You’ll have to turn the NSDate into a String.

    I recommend taking a look at Paul Hudsons 100 Days of Swift. It was a fantastic resource when I first started. The link I’ve provided points to his lessons from Day 1 about Strings

    Keep up the good work. I promise it gets better 🙂

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  1. You are printing the correct String value, but assigning the variable date which typed as NSDate? to the text property, which should be a String.

    Try doing this:

    let dateString = dateFormatterPrint.string(from: date! as Date)
    cell.perditsuarOutlet.text = dateString

    One piece of advice: don’t force unwrap here (date! as Date). Instead, include a way to handle nil values for your "optional" NSDate? variable. One way to do this would look like this:

    if let date = currentVechicle.LastCommunicationDate!) as NSDate? {
      cell.perditsuarOutlet.text = dateFormatterPrint.string(from: date as Date)
    } else {
      cell.perditsuarOutlet.text = "Empty or invalid date"

    I know this looks like a lot of overhead, but it is worth it to avoid crashes down the line…

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