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I was looking into the web for some updated answer about my problem but I couldn’t find it!
I install Cocoapods using the terminal with the command below:

Sudo gem install cocoapods

Which installed me the latest version (1.11.3), the problem was the incompatibility with M1 (like we know). I tried with Homebrew and everything is working fine but I saw that the version is the same than using sudo gem…

So… Why sudo gem install Cocoapods doesn’t work?

Is cocoapods current unavailable for m1 in 2022?



  1. Is cocoapods current unavailable for m1 in 2022?

    There is a problem with built in ruby in Macos for the m1 as it has become deprecated after Catalina (10.15).

    A possible solution is to use Homebrew which has the updated ruby for the m1 chip.

    brew install cocoapods

    Or as @Gereon mentioned in the comment section, you can use rbenv.

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  2. You can try to run terminal via Rosetta, or just add arch -x86_64 before any other command. For example, use

    arch -x86_64 pod install

    instead of

    pod install
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