I have the code below that I use using a "DispatchGroup":
// class variables
let myUploadGroup = DispatchGroup()
var concatenatedUploadGroupMessage:String = ""
// inside a method I have the code below
for resFoto in resFotosResenhaEscolhidas {
jsonRequestUploadImagem = ResFotosModel.createJsonFotoResenha(resFoto, resenhaDados.IdGedave)
let requestUploadImagem: NSMutableURLRequest = serviceRepository.clientURLRequest(wsUploadImagem, typeAutho: .basic, parms: "", body: jsonRequestUploadImagem as Dictionary<String, AnyObject>)
serviceRepository.post(requestUploadImagem, retryLogin: true, completion: {isOk,msgError,httpCode,needLogin,response in
self.checkResponseUploadImagemFotoResenha(response as AnyObject, httpCode)
func checkResponseUploadImagemFotoResenha(_ response:AnyObject, _ httpCode:Int) {
if httpCode != 200 {
let string = String(data: response as! Data, encoding: .utf8)
print( string!+" n Erro HTTP: "+String(httpCode) )
AlertActions.showBasicAlert(erroParaExibir: string!+" n Erro HTTP: "+String(httpCode), currentView: self)
} else {
// httpCode == 200
let data: Data = response as! Data // received from a network request, for example
let jsonResponse = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [])
guard let dictionary = jsonResponse as? [String: Any] else { return }
guard let nestedDictionary = dictionary["RetornoGravacaoImagemWSVO"] as? [String: Any] else { return }
let mensagem = nestedDictionary["mensagem"] as! String
let codigo = nestedDictionary["codigo"] as! Int
if codigo != 200 {
print("Erro upload foto - codigo: (codigo)")
concatenatedUploadGroupMessage = concatenatedUploadGroupMessage+" (mensagem) - (codigo) n"
} else {
let nomeArquivo = nestedDictionary["nomeArquivo"] as! String
concatenatedUploadGroupMessage = concatenatedUploadGroupMessage+" (nomeArquivo) - (mensagem) n"
myUploadGroup.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {
AlertActions.showBasicAlert(erroParaExibir: self.concatenatedUploadGroupMessage, currentView: self)
print("Finished all requests.")
CustomLoadingBar.hide(self) // use in conjunction with the Grand Dispatcher Group
I use "myUploadGroup.enter()" and "myUploadGroup.leave()" to send the signal to start and end the request.
After that I have the method "myUploadGroup.notify".
When all request are made, for example, 4 http requests are started and when they finish I can see the message "Finished all requests." print 4 times in the console.
What I want to do is when the 4 http requests are finished, I only want to see the message message "Finished all requests." printed once on the console instead of seeing the message printed 4 times.
How can I do that?
I was able find a solution to my problem without the need to rewrite my code to queue up my requests.
I create a class variable
Before my "myUploadGroup.enter()" function I add the following code
In my "myUploadGroup.notify" function I add this code
It works for me now.
You are calling
in your functioncheckResponseUploadImagemFotoResenha()
, which is called from your completion handler. That means you are callingmyUploadGroup.notify()
more than once. Don’t do that.Rewrite your code that queues up your requests like this:
Note how I put the call to notify after the loop that submits the requests.